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Requiem for a dream : B.O. (2000)
Edité par Nonesuch - paru en 2000
Summer : Summer overture ; Party ; Coney Island dreaming ; Party ; Chocolate charms ; Ghosts of thing to come ; Dreams ; Tense ; Dr Pill ; High on life; Ghosts ; Crimin' & dealin' ; Hope overture ; Tense ; Bialy & Lox conga. Fall : Cleaning apartment ; Ghosts falling ; Dreams ; Arnold ; Marion barfs ; Supermarket sweep ; Dreams ; Sara Goldfarb has left the building ; Bugs got a devilish grin conga. Winter : Winter overture ; Southern hospitality ; Fear ; Full tense ; The beginning of the end ; Ghosts of a future lost ; Meltdown ; Lux aeterna ; Coney Island low.