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Tangerine dream
Edité par Virgin - paru en 1993
Rubycon : parts one & two.
Tangerine dream - Zomba records - 1989
Central Park (New York). Tyger. Livemiles, part.II (extrait). Dolphin dance. Song of the w...
Tangerine dream - Virgin - 1991
Ricochet : part one, part two.
Tangerine dream - Distrib. BMG - 1989
Too hot for my chinchilla. Alaskan summer. Desert drive. Mount shasta. Crystal curfew. Par...
Tangerine dream - Distrib. Musidisc/ASV - 1987
Birth of liquid plejades. Nebulous dawn. Origin of supernatural probabilities. Zeit.
Phaedra. Mysterious semblance at the strand of nightmares. Movements of a visionary. Seque...
Tangerine dream - Virgin Records - 1991
Stratosfear. The big sleep in search of hades. 3 AM at the border of the marsh from okefen...
Tangerine dream - P.E.M Masqu - 1991
Wallraff's theme. Tendency of love. Addicted to the truth. World of the "standard". Purpos...
Tangerine dream - Distrib. EMI - 1985
Beach theme. Dr destructo. Diamond diary. Burning bar. Beach scene. Scrap yard. Trap feeli...
Tangerine dream - éditeur Silva America - 1995
Heartbreakers. Footbridge to heaven. Twilight painter. Gemini. Rain in N.Y city. Pastime. ...
Tangerine dream - Castle - 1996
Towards the evening star. At Darwin's motel. On cranes' passage. Rising haul in silence. U...
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